kosaku namikawa, arata matsumoto, and moku will be holding a three-person exhibition "inter[display]".

The English word "display" entails the meaning of '陳列' (Chinretsu, meaning to to exhibit, to display). When we hear the word '陳列', what might first come to mind is the systematic arrangement of products in retail environments, such as supermarkets and department stores, wherein the layout is arbitrarily determined by each establishment. Although "display" can also be translated as '展示' (Tenji, meaning exhibition, display), there is no essential distinction between the two, thus blurring the boundaries of their definitions. The operations of a supermarket can readily be deemed an exhibition, and the converse is also true.

As a device to present images, the physical and conceptual properties of a display and its frame have markedly evolved over time. As the frame gradually vanishes, it draws nearer to the user. Moreover, since the concept of display emerged, it has quickly rooted itself within society. Particularly for the digital-native generation, including the artists featured in this exhibition--it is a blatant medium; in the world, delineated by frames, realistically influencing our human lives. The emergence of a new concept, SNS, which thus has come to significantly alter our daily lives, still remains fresh in our memory. It is not far-fetched to imagine that the hardware of the display and the software implemented within can easily rewrite our perceptions and the standards of our values.

We hope this exhibition, amidst these circumstances, serves as an opportunity to reconsider the media of display.

Installation Support: Yuga Tsukuda, Kyo Imai

Frame Chain (Web)
Design: Yui Atarashi
Web Programming Support: Kazuki Yamaura