

7/7/2024 _ 7/15/2024


In this exhibition, yoh murata explores a new visual experiment where static and dynamic time intersect, using a unique technique of projecting digital video onto photographs installed in physical space.
The process involves printing photographs and projecting perfectly matched videos onto them. This creates a singular space where still photographs and moving images coexist, visualizing the flow and irreversibility of time.
Through the interplay of fixed photographs symbolizing the past and videos reflecting the dynamic present and future, viewers are invited to deeply contemplate the passage of time and its irreversibility.
The exhibition also visually expresses new narratives born from the intersection of past and present timelines, offering fresh insights into the structure and reproduction of memory.
yoh murata's work aims to provide an experience that transcends the boundaries between "reality" and "unreality," "past" and "future," "physical" and "digital."

Cosponor: Nextorage
Project Support: OPEN MUSEUM


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    "PASSING" is a visual experimental work that uses a unique technique of projecting digital images onto photographs installed in real space.

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    2001年生まれ東京都出身、武蔵野美術大学空間演出デザイン学科環境計画コース卒業(2024年) 私は「あるのにない、ないのにある」というテーマを掲げ、プロジェクターを用いて「幻影」を投影するインスタレーション作品を制作しています。このテーマは、物理的に存在するものと感覚的な認識の相違を探求し、観客に新たな視覚的体験を提供することを目的としています。私の作品は、現実と非現実の境界を探る試みであり、インスタレーションを通じて現実と非現実の境界を模索します。