

6/24/2022 _ 7/24/2022


As far as we know, time only moves forward. Yet we experience a lot of cycles, where we end up somehow back at the starting position again. Birth, growth, reproduction, decay, death. Repeat. Slices is one of those cycles, a generative process of growth with snapshots taken along the way, slices of time, moments to remember.
Slices is presented in three formats, all unique and procedurally generated by a master algorithm. The first option is unique slices of an instance of the growth process. Then there are complete cycles of the evolution and finally physical scrolls of the whole experience.
All pieces are limited editions, available as NFTs. Physical scrolls include an NFT of the complete cycle.


  • Slices Level 6


    Slices" is a work about time and space, with 7 + 1 basic patterns and infinite variations.

    Level: 0 as a species (or planet?) There are seven patterns, from Level: 0 as a seed (or planet?) to Level: 6, which gradually evolves into more complex shapes and blooms something like a flower, and Level: All, which is a combination of all of these patterns and is extremely horizontal, for a total of eight patterns.

    Since all of these are generated generatively by the program, the variations are infinite, but finite variations are made possible by the NFT smart contract that generates the hash values from which the visual decisions are made.

    Inspired by the exhibition space of NEORT++, this installation is intended to be viewed in a physical space and is generative art drawn from values generated on the blockchain.

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  • alexis_andre.jpg

    Alexis André

    Alexis André is an artist, researcher and designer aiming at redefining entertainment. In this golden age of computation and data overflow, why is our entertainment still designed to be consumed in a passive way? A few media are offering interactive experiences, but none of them are designed specifically for you. Alexis is working towards a future where you could enjoy unique experiences that were tailored to your preferences, where the power of generative systems is leveraged to offer individually custom-created pieces. As a first implementation of this concept, he created the robot toy platform “toio” that gathered various design awards (iF Design, reddot, Good Design…). His generative art pieces have been showcased all around the world (Tokyo, Art Basel Miami, COP26 in Glasgow…) and in auction at Sotheby’s and Christie’s.


  • 2022.6.24 09:00 _ 2022.6.24 12:00

    "Slices" オープニングトーク
    On Site | YouTube
  • Slices code breakdown

    2022.7.9 04:00 _ 2022.7.9 05:00

    Slices code breakdown
    Alexis André will explain how to create "Slices," a new work for this exhibition, while writing code himself. This is a rare opportunity to learn how the beautiful work is created by changing and adding to the code of "Slices" in real time. Please come to NEORT++ and enjoy the live performance. We are also planning to stream the event on YouTube.
    On Site | YouTube